Couttet Champion | Biographical sources

Couttet Champion

biographical sources

- Personal memories, conversations with my grandmother and family archives.
- Roger Frison-Roche's farewell speech to my grandfather.
- Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix - Une Belle Histoire by Mario Colonel - Éditions du Grépon
- Les Pulls Rouges by Gilles Chappaz - Éditions Glénats
- Magazine Actives - summer 2006

"Ski" sources

La Montagne | Monthly magazine by the Club Alpin Français
N° 1 - 20th January 1909 - New Series - 5th year

Le Miroir des Sports | N° 298 - 27th January 1926

Magazine Ski Sports d'Hiver N° 71 - 15th February/15th March 1943

Ski Flash Spécial number - Chamonix - 1968
interview with Roger Frison-Roche à la recherche du ski oublié

"Mountaineering" sources

La Montagne | Monthly magazine by the Club Alpin Français
1909 - N° 7
1927 - N° 203 et 205
1928 - N° 215
1930 - N° 7
1931 - N° 230 / 231 / 232 / 233 et 235
1932 - N° 237 et 241
1935 - N° 269

Revue Alpine | Lyonnaise Section of the Club Alpin Français
1930 - N° 3
1936 - N° 307
1942 - N° 331
1946 - N° 349

Alpinisme N° 20 - 1930
Le Chasseur Français N° 451 - 1927
Le Miroir du Monde N° 117 of 28th May 1932
Le Petit Dauphinois Wednesday 13th April 1938 newspaper
Bulletin | magazine of the Appalachian Mountain Club N°10 - Vol. XXI - 1928 June

30 years of French ski championships from 1907 to 1942

Pages taken from Magazine Ski Sports d'Hiver N° 71 - 15th february/15th march1943

30 years of French ski championships from 1907 to 1942
